Why should I learn kitesurfing on Neusiedler See?
We have already been to many different spots ourselves and, of course, our clients have traveled extensively around the world. Consistently, we receive feedback that Neusiedler See is one of the best places for practicing.
This has several reasons:
- The lake is a shallow water area completely free of: corals, mussels, seaweed, stonefish, sharks, or even jellyfish. ;-)
- No waves break close to the shore, and even the waves out on the lake never reach a threatening height.
- The water reaches a pleasant 25°C in summer.
- We have an average of 3 - 4 windy days per week. However, the wind during the summer months is almost never too strong for practicing.
- Boat service is available.
- Our equipment is renewed annually and is tailored to your needs and skill level.
How are lessons conducted?
Kitesurfing is taught exclusively one-on-one (one teacher, one student). Full boat service, meaning everything that a boat can offer, is included. We provide all the equipment, including sunscreen.
Wing surfing is taught in groups. Maximum 4 people for wing surfing. Maximum 2 people for wing foiling.
Courses start every day at any time. Very individual, depending on your preference.
Up to what wind strength is training provided?
Training is provided up to 30 knots. Independent practice is recommended up to 25 knots.
How quickly will I make progress?
With 1:1 supervision, the rate of learning in kitesurfing is significantly higher than in group courses. On average, between 3 - 7 units/hours are needed to practice independently. Independently? Safe body dragging, water starts, and riding downwind. Riding upwind is still practiced. Support by boat. Upwind service in onshore wind or rescue service in offshore wind.
Wingsurfing: Usually, after 2 hours one can manage alone. Wingfoiling... it’s very hard to say... After 4 hours on the foil board, most get 80% of the time into flying... Maneuvers are a different matter...
What is the 3 Units Package Plus?
The 3 Units Package Plus includes 3 hours with an instructor and 6 hours of renting kite gear. If the person practicing cannot practice alone after 3 hours with the instructor, the amount will be credited or converted into hours.
How much wind strength is needed for practice?
Kites fly stable from 8 knots. For water launching and riding, 10-12 knots are sufficient. If a kite is easily relaunched, a lesson is possible.
Can I obtain a kite license from you?
We are a VDWS licensed center, which means you can obtain a VDWS license from us. From Level 5, you are considered independent and can also rent equipment. More information is available atwww.vdws.de.
How long does your season go?
The center is open daily from April to early October, from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM.
Upon request, it is also open out of season under good conditions. Essentially, there is water sports activity at the lake 365 days a year, unless the lake is frozen. :-D